Press release. New educational program to teach children the rules of behavior in case of mine danger


Free Ukraine together with famous Ukrainian storyteller Sashko Lirnyk and his catMAN Boska launched new educational program "Safety with Lirnyk" for children to teach them the rules of conduct in case of mine danger as part of the MineFree humanitarian demining initiative.

30% of Ukrainian territory requires demining which may takes several decades. Kids behavior in the affected regions shoud adjust now and for long to the threat level for safety and survival. schools and parents need to help kids to adjust to the situation rapidly.


Why is this important?

The main goal of the initiative is to spread important safety rules among children and their parents.

On November 9, 2023, the famous Ukrainian storyteller Sashko Lirnyk and his cat Boska announce a new educational program called "Safety with Lirnyk" for children to teach them the rules of conduct in case of mine danger.

The project was created with the support of the Swiss charitable association Free Ukraine as part of the MineFree humanitarian demining initiative. The program materials were approved and recommended for distribution by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the State Emergency Service of Ukraine.

The first season of the Safety with Lirnyk program will include 10 episodes that will teach children how to behave in different situations if they notice suspicious and explosive objects, so as not to endanger themselves and others.

The Safety with Lirnyk program can be viewed online on the official website at, as well as in the updated version of the MineFree mobile application available for download in the App Store and Google Play.

Video of the teaser is here

The materials and tips have been reviewed and validated for accuracy and reliability by mine risk education experts. The authors of the program encourage parents and children, as well as teachers, to familiarize themselves with the most important recommendations.

For reference:

The charitable association Free Ukraine was founded in 2014 and is based in Geneva, Switzerland.

This non-profit organization brings together the Ukrainian diaspora as well as representatives of other nationalities in Switzerland and abroad who are committed to supporting Ukraine and working to make the country safe for life and health.

In 2022, volunteers of the charitable organization, in cooperation with the State Emergency Service, developed the MineFree mobile application to inform about the mine threat in Ukraine. Download it to be safe. Be vigilant. Stay away from mines.

About FreeUkraine

FreeUkraine focuses on:

  • Medical supplies

  • Humanitarian demining

  • Education and culture

  • Family support

Since February 2022 Ukraine FreeUkraine:

  1. Funded and delivered 220+ ambulances to support national disaster medicine units of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine in all regions of Ukraine.

  2. Developed and launched civilian safety app MineFree ( to support the State Emergency Service of Ukraine operating teams and actively inform civilians about mine threats.

  3. Developed a series of 10 safety video lessons for kids of 6 -11 years old in cooperation with famous Ukrainian kids story teller Sashko Lirnyk. The series were recently approved by the Ministry of Education of Ukraine for demonstrations in all Ukrainian schools.

Currently FreeUkraine is actively fundraising on the following projects:

  • 100 4X4 fundraiser to procure vehicles for demanding teams of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine

  • Mine Risk Education for kids promotion in Ukrainian schools: “Safety with Lirnyk”

  • MineFree civilian safety app promotion among affected population of about 5 million people
